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North Eastern Electricity Board Offices

North Eastern Electricity Board Offices£5.00  -  £8.50

Oak Beck, Pack Horse Bridge, Harrogate

Oak Beck, Pack Horse Bridge, Harrogate£5.00  -  £8.50

Oak Beck, Pack Horse Bridge, Harrogate

Oak Beck, Pack Horse Bridge, Harrogate£5.00  -  £8.50

Octavius Atkinson's Factory, Harrogate

Octavius Atkinson's Factory, Harrogate£5.00  -  £8.50

Offices, Elmwood Lothian, Harrogate

Offices, Elmwood Lothian, Harrogate£5.00  -  £8.50

Offices, Imperial Tobacco Company, Harrogate

Offices, Imperial Tobacco Company, Harrogate£5.00  -  £8.50

Pack Horse Bridge

Pack Horse Bridge£5.00  -  £8.50

Parkstone Estate

Parkstone Estate£5.00  -  £8.50

Queen Ethelburga's School, Harrogate

Queen Ethelburga's School, Harrogate£5.00  -  £8.50

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