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Railways and Vehicles

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Street Tram, Aquarium Top, Scarborough

Street Tram, Aquarium Top, Scarborough£5.00  -  £8.50

T M Parker, garage and petrol station

T M Parker, garage and petrol station£5.00  -  £8.50

T M Parker, petrol station North Street

T M Parker, petrol station North Street£5.00  -  £8.50

The Battleship HMS Malaya, Scarborough

The Battleship HMS Malaya, Scarborough£5.00  -  £8.50

The Marquess of Ripon's funeral cortege

The Marquess of Ripon's funeral cortege£5.00  -  £8.50


Thirsk£5.00  -  £8.50

Threshing Wheat, Boston Spa

Threshing Wheat, Boston Spa£5.00  -  £8.50

Thruscross, Dam Under Construction, 1963

Thruscross, Dam Under Construction, 1963£5.00  -  £8.50

Thruscross, Mill Bridge, 1961

Thruscross, Mill Bridge, 1961£5.00  -  £8.50

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